Sunday, December 9, 2012

A MAJOR Discussion!

I've decided to take a much-needed break from my tedious studying for finals in order to address a concern that is relevant to you: MAJORS. While picking a major may seem like a major decision (I know, very punny), your major does not have to be the be-all-end-all. If you're going to spend the next four years studying something, it may as well be something you love, regardless of where it will "get you" in the long run.

I started out as a Media, Journalism and Digital Arts major, and I expected to keep this major throughout my four years. While pursuing journalism was rewarding and challenging, I still felt like I was missing something. I liked pursuing MJD as a hobby, but I didn't know if I wanted to pursue it for a career path. I wanted to do something where I could have more interaction with people, and so I got the sudden inspiration to declare a Psychology major and make MJD my minor during my second semester of freshman year. After taking a few Psychology classes this semester, I know I couldn't have made a better decision.

This semester, I recognized an increasing interest for learning more about world religions, and once again made a significant change. I dropped my MJD minor and declared a Religious Studies minor instead, and for the Spring semester I plan to make Religious Studies my double major. My advisor was a great help during these changes and helped to make the process easy and efficient. Last year, I would have never pictured myself as a Psychology and Religious Studies double major! It's amazing to see where a Liberal Arts Education can take you!

If you want my advice for choosing a major for your freshman year, just remember to be open to other opportunities! The average college student changes their field of study not one, not two, but three times! There are plenty of faculty here at St. Mike's who would love to help you on your journey of self-discovery, so just enjoy and be open to new experience! You're bound to find the major that's right for you!

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