All right, so maybe that's not exactly how it happens, but I can fondly look back on my past several months here and come to appreciate the independence I've claimed and the home that I've made here at Saint Mike's.
When I entered high school, I was sure that I was going to have the "best four years of my life". I was sure that I was going to be able to define myself and emerge from high school as a secure, confident adult. However, high school taught me many important life lessons, and lesson number one just happened to be that things don't always happen the way you plan or want them to. In high school, you go through so many changes, and between all the schoolwork, extracurriculars and teachers telling you who and what you should be, it is such a confusing time. I was so busy and so frustrated. I didn't have any time to think for myself. I didn't have any space to discover the world on my own and really take possession of the person I wanted to be. I saw my youth as a prison and I was dying to break free.
I wanted a much different experience in college. I wanted my independence, but I didn't know how to claim it. When senior year came around, it seemed as if the best way for me to truly discover myself was to go away. Two years ago, I never would have imagined myself in Colchester, Vermont, but by some great grace of God I received the Saint Michael's College Book Award May of my junior year and found the place I now call my home.
Being at Saint Michael's has been an amazing experience. I came knowing no one (although by some strange coincidence my cousin David decided to attend here as well, we're in the same class and we met at Orientation!) and almost nothing about Vermont, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It really gave me my own space to think about myself and the person I wanted to be, and there's just something about those green mountains that are good for the soul! I've met so many people here, both students and professors, that are so trustworthy and compassionate. I've never been around so many people that truly think about their lives and how they want to live it every day. I've really been able to live in each day and love the experiences that I have here.
The students here at Saint Michael's have such life in them. Their willingness to create change and their belief in themselves and in each other helped me to realize that my youth isn't my prison. It's my power. As second semester comes to an end, I find myself both invigorated by the moment and hopeful of the future. In less than a month, I'll be in Pontigny, France with other Saint Michael's students and faculty members for an amazing medieval history course. Next semester, I'll get my first start on my Psychology courses and I'll be a part of the VITA (campus ministry) team leading LINK along with Alex and Maura. This past academic year has been an incredible journey that has helped me to grow and experience things I never thought I would, and I am so blessed to call this place my home.
On a side note: For those of you who have already sent in your deposit
and decided to join us at SMC, congratulations!! Welcome to the family!!
I highly advise you to check out/consider our POW, WOW, Community
Service Weekend or any other summer programs that we have
for you incoming freshmen! I went on POW and had a
wonderful time, I'll probably blog about it soon
so keep an eye out!! :)